Christ’s love for the world motivates us to love and serve all people, regardless of race, religion or gender, in the same way He loved and served – selflessly and unconditionally. WIN ignites sustainable impact by empowering people to come together to change their community. We believe that each human being is a precious image-bearer of God, and should have the opportunity to enjoy peace, provision and purpose.
Isaiah 61
LIFE in all its fullness is WIN’s goal for all people wherever we serve. Everyone should have the chance to WIN the game of life!
Barema was known as one of the most troubled villages in north India. Over half of the school-aged children were illiterate. All 40 families lived in mud huts and suffered constant illness.
Working through the local church, the EKKLESIA, WIN taught Biblical values: identity, destiny, honor, stewardship and leadership. WIN brought EMANCIPATION from slavery and set up a children’s’ EDUCATION center staffed by women from a nearby village. Finally, WIN EMPOWERED the villagers by helping them start their own savings groups.
Within two years, 32 families saved enough money to build solid brick and mortar homes, illness was reduced by 60% due to improved hygiene, 95% of the children learned to read and write, and slavery was eliminated. Now, the transformation is multiplying organically as the people of Barema Village carry the WIN model to their neighbors in other villages.
We Ignite Nations (WIN) empowers communities into their dreams of economic stability, equality, health and wholeness. WIN enables transformation from lack to plenty, from hopelessness to hope, from fear to faith, from dependency to sustainability and ultimately, from powerlessness to powerful agents of multiplied whole-person prosperity.
WIN accomplishes this through our 4E strategy -
These include social justice initiatives, village development projects, education for underprivileged children, business incubators and vocational training.
”Tears streamed down the teenagers’ cheeks as they encountered the living Christ in a more profound way. Leanna dramatized a teaching on forgiveness by putting chains around a volunteer, showing how unforgiveness enslaves and hurts us....“
Read MoreWIN’s legacy goes back to 1993 when our organization was founded.
In 1993, our founder Leanna (see Leanna’s story below) an aspiring equestrian, received a chilling dream three nights in a row. In the dream she saw South Asia in bitter slavery, shackled with huge chains and enslaved to cruel task masters - poverty, human trafficking, superstition and illiteracy. The revelation was so vivid and compelling that within three days she set in motion the sale of her equestrian facility and prepared to set out for the focal point of the darkness - northern India.
While living directly with Indian families in the small towns, participating in their austere lives of suffering and sickness, Leanna understood the way to significant impact was to empower the native people themselves to bring hope and healing to their own people. Finding no organization which was doing specifically what she envisioned, with the help of her mom Kathy back home in the US, the organization that would become We Ignite Nations was founded.
The efficient and effective strategies that were employed resulted in significant success in a region of the world considered one of the most dark and difficult. Northern India was known as “the graveyard of missions” and “Asia’s poisonous hub of sex trafficking.” An estimated 30 million children were without proper nutrition and faced abuse and slavery. Through the laid-down lives of our faithful native leaders whom Leanna mentored and empowered, we began to reach out to the most destitute and oppressed.
Our initial projects involved Biblical training for native leaders. When these leaders returned to their villages and put into practice what they had learned, people who had been terminally ill were healed and others who had been tormented by demons were liberated. In village after village, people were set free from practices and superstitions which had rendered them miserable and impoverished. They received a new life of hope, peace and joy.
Then Leanna received another word of revelation: “The most Christ-like act a person can do in this life is give a bright future to a child who has no hope.” From that time we initiated our Blue Haven Children’s Home, founded three schools and tuition centers for children who had no access to a good education. Our educational programs have now enabled over 20,000 of the most at-risk kids to have a basic education and a much brighter future.
Many other projects which are ongoing include feeding centers for malnourished children, educational support so that children can attend school, and micro-finance projects empowering women and families to come out of poverty.
Vocational and skills training for youth is one of our most high-impact projects. Youth and young adults who had no opportunity to obtain a good education are doomed to a life of poverty unless they have the opportunity to learn a skill. But the skills institutes are extremely expensive and unaffordable to these youth. So over the years we have provided scholarships to hundreds of youth, and in the past five years have developed our own skills training institutes. Our most exciting and recent project is a computer skills institute which attained 80% sustainability in its first year. In 2019 our students won first and second prize in a regional computer knowledge competition.
Anti-trafficking has also been a point of significant success in our history. In 2012 we began researching how to address the human trafficking problem in our main base city in India, a community of 3.5 million population. After training the police force and facilitating successful brothel raids and rescuing the girls into our safe homes, the police force honored our team for helping them solve the hitherto unyielding sex trafficking problem of the city. Now we carry on our anti-trafficking work through production and showings of movies which re-enact the tragedy of child trafficking, and through a traveling drama team which teaches whole villages how to keep their kids safe from traffickers.
Now, we have expanded! WIN Life continues a highly fruitful work of bringing Christ to unreached regions through training of native leaders, Bible distribution and aid of persecuted Christians. Our children’s education, anti-trafficking, community development and vocational training work continues under WIN (We Ignite Nations). WIN leverages proven strategies with fresh vision to achieve multiplied global impact. WIN believes that poverty, illiteracy and oppression are trespassers in Planet Earth. To the extent that communities align themselves with Jubilee - the Principles of Freedom - those communities will “win” at life! They will experience transformation from hopelessness to hope, from darkness to light and from turmoil to peace.
Because “nations” are our target, our work features combined initiatives that impact whole communities or whole sectors. While individuals are always the direct recipients and beneficiaries, because our vision is bigger than the one or the few, large numbers of people are assisted. Examples include: