WIN operates through native leaders around the world who have five- to twenty-year proven track records of faithful and self-sacrificing service. Our network includes 30,000 mentors, social workers and other leaders in Asia and other nations, who serve over a million people annually. We’re committed to cultivating unity, collaboration and networking for maximum impact. International locations where WIN currently has projects ongoing include India, Nepal, Bhutan and Peru,
People in our
NetworksDr. Leanna Cinquanta is a philanthropist, motivational speaker, business woman, equestrian and the founder of two organizations, WIN and WIN Life, based in Colorado, USA.
Leanna Cinquanta
Laurie Sellden
Office Manager
Linda Solarek
Finance Manager
Patsy Woods
Executive Assistant
Bethany Warren
Administrative Assistant
Kathy Svenson
Editorial Assistant (volunteer)
JAN ISSA - Member
Jan is a mother, business owner, and solutions based advocate for sustainable development which raises people up out of poverty for generations.
Founder of Be a Hero and international speaker, networker, and philanthropist.
BARRY HOWARD - Treasurer and CFO
Barry Howard is the chief financial and administrative officer (CFAO) at New America. Previously he served as CFO/SVP of finance, administration, and human resources at World Relief.
John Telling - Member
John is a businessman and philanthropist.
“I have visited WIN's work three times over the years. I participated firsthand in the holistic ministries to children, women and the marginalized. Their aim is to see lives and communities transformed. I am beyond impressed with this incarnational model that is serving the most underprivileged in the world.”
Pastor John Kuo Wu-Chang Conservative Baptist Church Taiwan
“Each year, through their hard work and dedication, WIN assists thousands of the desperate and needy. I am particularly struck with how many of the native people have been raised up as leaders, the amount of training happening, the explosive growth, and the high level of integrity of this ministry in general. We wish to highly recommend this organization.”
Dr. Mark Tubbs Transformation of the Nations Pasadena, CA
“WIN is serving the most vulnerable in the most difficult places.”
Barry C Howard CFO, New America Baltimore, MD
“WIN identifies the most desperate people, assembles a team of local workers and gets the job done. They are an “emergency response team” that releases victims trapped by poverty's earthquake. WIN heals their wounds and sets them on the pathway to finding light and hope.”
Ken Urban Retired Businessman Arvada, Colorado
“In northern India, one of the most hardened, unreached and difficult areas of the world, Leanna is pioneering and leading a work that is transforming a nation. Today, WIN's vision to end child trafficking and illiteracy among millions of needy children may seem overzealous. I would not have believed it unless I had touched this work personally. But God is doing it! Leanna’s team through WIN is well on their way to seeing this vision become a reality.”
Rev. Gary Wilkerson World Challenge Colorado Springs, Colorado