“I had come expecting to give, but I have received; to bless but I have been blessed; to teach but I have learned. The work here can be summed up in one word – ‘faithfulness:’”
Steve Smith Winchester, UK
The need to carry water from long distances contributes to child labor, human trafficking, and extreme poverty. Things we take for granted, like nominal cleanliness, hydration, and cooking, are made difficult or impossible when water is difficult to obtain.
For many children valuable time is spent gathering water for family use and manual irrigation of animals and/or agriculture, time in which they could be attending school and being educated for a better occupation and a better future.
For many of us, access to clean water is simply a case of turning on a tap (faucet) or purchasing bottles at a local store, but for many people in the world today life is not so straight-forward, with many denied access to safe drinking water through poverty, poor infrastructure, or prejudice.
WIN deliberately seeks out villages in which the lack of water access directly affects the most vulnerable people. Adults and even children often have to walk long distances to collect water every day, sometimes several times each day, for their family's needs. A newly installed well or hand pump completely changes the lives of these individuals and their families.
WIN's expert native well drilling team members review proposals submitted by villages in need of water. They then travel to those villages and survey to verify the need and identify an appropriate location for future well. Factors considered include access of the water to all people regardless of class or income level, and proximity of possible ground water pollutants.
Though WIN provides this funding, we also require the villagers to have skin in the game. They contribute the land where the well is situated, assist with the boring, and provide food and accommodation to those managing the project. Local contribution is essential, empowering the people and giving them dignity.
Once bored, the well is owned by the villagers. WIN Water team members teach the villagers how to maintain this valuable resource.
A donation of this size can provide a new well and hand pump, solving the drinking and sanitation problems for an entire village, and positively changing the lives of villagers of all ages.
Gravity feed water systems in hilly areas additionally provide irrigation and water for animals, thus also virtually ending child slavery and systemic poverty for a village of 40-80 homes.
Donations in Development are allocated for Well drilling and water systems, solar lights, vocational and skills training institutes, micro finance and small business start-ups, community health and rural development initiatives including aids awareness and prevention.
“I had come expecting to give, but I have received; to bless but I have been blessed; to teach but I have learned. The work here can be summed up in one word – ‘faithfulness:’”
Steve Smith Winchester, UK
“In northern India, one of the most hardened, unreached and difficult areas of the world, Leanna is pioneering and leading a work that is transforming a nation. Today, WIN's vision to end child trafficking and illiteracy among millions of needy children may seem overzealous. I would not have believed it unless I had touched this work personally. But God is doing it! Leanna’s team through WIN is well on their way to seeing this vision become a reality.”
Rev. Gary Wilkerson World Challenge Colorado Springs, Colorado