Blue Haven School Focus (Part 1)

June 1, 2024

A School that both Educates and Rescues… Sustainably!

Many years ago, the Lord spoke very clearly to me, saying, “The greatest act a person can do is to give Jesus and the bright future to a child who has no hope.”

Blue Haven School in north India was the outcome of that vision. The school is situated on the outskirts of a city of 3.4 million, the capital of a state whose population is 240 million - 2/3 of the entire United States, and equivalent to the 6th largest nation in the world population-wise! 

It has taken longer than expected because by the time funds came in for part of it, whether land purchase or construction, the cost had gone up!  But YOU, our faithful partners, have stood with us and enabled it to come into being. We also appreciate WIN’s dedicated and hardworking native leaders, Ricky, who manages the school, and all the other school staff, as well as Pinsu, who oversees all of our projects in that region.

The 17,000 sq. ft. ground floor was finished in 2016, and Blue Haven School opened that year. It was self-sustaining almost from the start through school fees paid by the student’s parents. 


While the construction of Blue Haven School has taken a long time, allow me to show what you are establishing:

If WIN had done the traditional charitable model of a free school where students and parents are not challenged and required to pay for their education, then in addition to the construction, we would have by now needed to raise a total of $352,000 to educate our current student body of 200. The school is projected to grow to a student body of up to 1000, which would be entirely untenable if it were not self-sustaining. If you’re a gardener, you’ll understand when I say we are establishing a perennial, not an annual! There is no need for more work once this “plant” is established; it will maintain itself. If you are a business person, you’ll understand when I say that traditional charity is a business that is always at a loss. In contrast, a sustainable project is a business that produces profits as well as valuable services.

Read Part 2 of the Blue Haven School Focus HERE.


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