WIN STORY - Pravesh Kumar Rai

April 1, 2024 by Leanna


Pravesh is the youngest in his family among four brothers. No one in the family knew English. Pravesh’s father works in a textile factory where he weaves cloth for dresses, and his mother is a housewife who farms their small agricultural land. They are from an unreached people group called the Rajbhar. Pravesh’s father desired that his youngest son have the opportunity to learn English, which is the key to overcoming poverty. However, Pravesh was getting very poor grades in his local school, and most English medium schools will not consider admitting a student who is already doing poorly. 

When Pravesh came for his school interview at WIN’s World Changer Academy, he could not answer any questions. Nevertheless, we admitted him. Now, through Pravesh’s hard work and the teachers’ commitment, he is doing well in his classes and is the only one in his household who can speak English. 


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