Transforming Communities, One Life At A Time

June 6, 2023

 The Champions then carry the training out into every home throughout the village. In this way, people take ownership and apply the lessons to their lives.

Here are a few personal stories from families impacted by the WIN Village project:


“My name is Savita. I used to be very sad because my husband was an alcoholic. He used to beat me every day after drinking alcohol. I lived a life of struggle and pain. I had no way to earn an income. Because my husband spent the little he earned on alcohol, our children and I constantly went hungry. One day sister Kiran (a WIN Village Champion) encouraged me and invited me to attend the community development training program where I could learn how to earn an income. Through the training, I realized that I am valuable and that I can do something. I searched and got a job as a babysitter, and then I started working as a midwife. I also learned about Jesus through the training and accepted the Lord Jesus as my Saviour. My husband’s alcohol consumption is decreasing, and I am seeing changes in his life. Please pray for him and our family. Thank you.” 



“My name is Karunesh. I am a native of this area and have been a pastor serving the Lord here for the past 11 years. I am also doing social work in my village. I underwent WIN’s training in 2021. Along with the village chief, I became actively involved in the WIN Village program. I am also a local committee member and actively participate in the decisions made in my village community. I am working for the betterment of my village community thanks to the WIN Village program.” The WIN Village project is now transitioning into Phase Two, in which the local Village Champions themselves continue to expand the training to new communities. They will receive an honorarium from WIN based on villages engaged and outcomes achieved.

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