Shovels, Donkeys... and The Water of Life!

July 30, 2024

When Jesus wept over Jerusalem, he saw souls in need of salvation and people in need of healing and wholeness. He did not remain detached from the city – he put his feet into its dust and his arms around its inhabitants. Wherever he went, the works of darkness – sickness, injustice, and lack - were driven back and replaced by more of God’s wholeness, freedom, and provision.

Because of Jesus’ example and the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, WIN does the same. Here’s how we’re doing it in one remote Himalayan village. Born and raised in this village, our native pastor in this region has faithfully preached the Gospel for years and led a thriving and growing church. He also trains disciples who are planting churches in other villages. Though the Water of Life is therefore accessible, the whole community lacks physical water, both drinking and irrigation. Because of this, poverty is rampant, diseases flourish due to lack of hygiene, and children must forgo education in order to carry water.

One of our most audacious water projects is now underway; trucks haul the cement, steel, and sand for two days through the treacherous mountain roads. When the road ends, the goods are loaded onto donkeys. Meanwhile, the villagers voluntarily spend their days up the mountain digging the trenches for the pipes and leveling the place where the big concrete water tank will be built. From there, the water will flow down to the village and the fields.

When this one need – water - is solved, families can cultivate their fields and earn a living; children will no longer be slaves carrying water. Instead, they can go to school, their health will improve, and human trafficking will be terminated. And through this tangible demonstration of God’s goodness, guess what! Many more people will see that Jesus is the Water of Life. As they joyfully draw the physical water that now flows freely and sufficiently through their village and their fields, they also come to drink the Living Water that will never run dry.

Thank you for your partnership with WIN. Villages and towns are being transformed. You are helping turn Jesus’ tears of sorrow into tears of joy.

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